Tips for Coping with Cancer

October 14, 2024
A cancer patient and their caregiver exploring CanCare's tips for coping with cancer

Insights from CanCare Volunteers

Facing a cancer diagnosis can feel like stepping into the unknown, a place filled with fear, uncertainty and overwhelming emotions. Yet, there is HOPE.

Many have walked this road before, and they’ve discovered ways to cope, survive, and even thrive.

Here are powerful insights and coping strategies shared by CanCare volunteers– individuals who have faced cancer and come out the other side. Each tip is a beacon of hope, showing you there are countless ways to navigate your journey. You don’t have to do it alone.

Build Your Support Network

  • Trust others to support you: Building a strong support network is crucial. Let your friends, family, and community help you
  • Assemble a healthcare team you trust: Surround yourself with medical professionals who make you feel secure and informed
  • Seek emotional and peer support: Whether through counseling, support groups, or a one-on-one CanCare volunteer, talking with others who understand can be invaluable
  • Connect with those who’ve been there before: Reading others’ stories or reaching out to those further along in their cancer journey can provide perspective and comfort
  • Join online or in-person support groups: sharing your journey with others facing similar challenges helps create bonds that lighten the burden

Take Control of Your Journey

  • Be your own advocate: Trust your instincts and speak for your needs. It’s important to be assertive about your care.
  • Stay informed: Research your treatment options, alternative therapies, and other tools that may help you feel empowered
  • Stay organized: Consider using platforms like CaringBridge to keep loved ones updated without overwhelming yourself

Focus on Your Physical Well-Being

  • Exercise when you can: Walking, yoga, or other forms of gentle exercise can reduce stress and improve your overall mood
  • Prioritize good nutrition: Eating well and staying hydrated are key to feeling strong throughout treatment
  • Explore holistic therapies: Acupuncture, meditation, and breathing exercises can help manage pain and anxiety

Embrace Emotional and Mental Health

  • Give yourself permission to feel: Allow yourself to cry, laugh, and express your emotions without guilt
  • Use humor as a tool: Humor can help you through the darkest days,so don’t be afraid to find the funny moments even amidst your struggles
  • Take quiet time time for reflection: Whether through journaling, meditation, or prayer, reflecting on your emotions can bring peace
  • Seek therapy or counseling: Professional guidance can provide coping mechanisms and a safe space to process complex emotions

Practice Mindfulness and Spirituality

  • Stay present: Focusing on the here and now can help manage overwhelming thoughts about the future
  • Develop a spiritual practice: Whether through prayer, gratitude or simply finding peace in nature, connecting to a higher power or inner self can bring comfort
  • Practice gratitude: Even on tough days, finding small things to be grateful for can shift your perspective

Maintain Your Normacly and Routine

  • Preserve routine when possible: Keeping parts of your life consistent can help you feel more in control
  • Set small, achievable goals: Whether it’s reading a chapter of a book or taking a short walk, these goals can give you a sense of accomplishment
  • Embrace a “one day at a time” mindset: Focus on today’s challenges rather than the long road ahead

Let Yourself Be Supported

  • Know your limits and set boundaries: Be honest about what you can handle, and don’t be afraid to say no
  • Accept help: It’s okay to receive support– emotionally, physically, or practically– from those who care about you

Find Joy and New Perspectives

  • Engage in fun activities: Watch a favorite movie, spend time with loved ones, or find a new hobby. Injecting joy into your life is essential
  • Stay busy when possible: Keeping your mind occupied with hobbies or activities can help distract from the stress of treatment
  • Shift your perspective: Try to embrace survivorship and focus on what’s ahead, rather than dwelling on the cancer

Keep a Positive Attitude

  • Smile more: Smiling even when you don’t feel like it, can have a surprising effect on your mood
  • Focus on hope: Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply staying positive, keeping hope alive can be a powerful motivator 

Give Back and Stay Connected

  • Help others: Many volunteers can say that supporting others during their journey helped them feel less alone. Consider ways you can give back, whether through small acts or larger commitments
  • Acknowledge your caregivers: Recognize those who are by your side– they need love and appreciation, too

The road ahead may seem daunting, but you are not alone. Explore these coping strategies, try what resonates with you, and reach out for support when you need it. Whether through CanCare, your loved ones, or your medical team, help is always available. Take one step at a time, one day at a time.

For personalized support, connect with a CanCare volunteer or join one of our small groups by emailing You don’t have to walk this road alone – let us walk with you.