At 34, Leonard’s life was filled with ambition—an athletic, career-driven husband and father. But his world changed when he received a life-altering diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Over two years, he endured major surgery, chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, and radiation. By 1994, the battle was over, and his cancer had gone into remission.

For the past 18 years, Leonard has dedicated his life to giving back as a CanCare volunteer, offering one-on-one support to others facing cancer. His work with CanCare has profoundly transformed his outlook on life. "I no longer live for myself but live to help others facing cancer," Leonard shares.  

His experience as a survivor gives him a unique empathy, allowing him to connect deeply with those navigating similar journeys.

Leonard’s faith has been the cornerstone of his recovery and his work with CanCare. He often reflects on the saying, “You never know how much faith you have in God until your faith in God is all you have.” This faith not only sustained him during his cancer treatment but also fuels his passion for supporting others today.  

Leonard is often asked how he made it through his cancer journey, and his answer is simple: it was his belief in God’s healing power. He believes that faith and the fight against cancer go hand in hand, and this conviction guides him as he helps others face their fears, pain, and doubts.

Leonard’s journey of survival and faith has become a powerful source of hope for those he supports, and his selfless dedication makes him a cherished member of the CanCare community.